[anonsec] suggested changes to btns-api-01
Michael Richardson
2007-05-12 02:11:00 UTC
(new abstract-api document at, which is background to below at:
http://www.sandelman.ca/SSW/ietf/ipsec/btns/richardson-btns-abstract-api-00.txt )
2.1.1 Policy Creation.
change: typedef ipsec_policy_t struct ipsec_policy;

typedef struct ipsec_iToken * ipsec_iToken_t;


ipsec_policy_t *ipsec_create_policy(uint32_t type);
int ipsec_free_policy(ipsec_policy_t *policy);

ipsec_iToken_t ipsec_iToken_alloc(uint32_t type);
int ipsec_iToken_free(ipsec_iToken_t i);

COMMENT: Can you give me a use case for the "type" argument? vs having
new creation functions?
int ipsec_get_policy_attr(const ipsec_policy_t *policy,
uint32_t attr_type,
uint32_t *attr_len,
void **attr_val);
int ipsec_set_policy_attr(ipsec_policy_t *policy,
uint32_t attr_type,
uint32_t attr_len,
const void *attr_val);

int ipsec_iToken_attr_get(const ipsec_iToken_t iToken,
enum iToken_attribute,
size_t *attr_len, /* VALUE/RESULT */
void **attr_val);

int ipsec_iToken_attr_set(const ipsec_iToken_t iToken,
enum iToken_attribute attr_type,
size_t attr_len,
const void *attr_val);

Function ipsec_get_policy_attr searches for the given attribute type
(attr_type) from the policy. It allocates memory into attr_val and
copies the attribute into the allocated memory. On successful
operation, it sets the attribute length in attr_len.

Function ipsec_pToken_attr_get searches for the given attribute type
(attr_type) from the pToken.
The *attr_val pointer may have memory allocated for it already, if so,
it will be non-NULL, and the attr_len will have the size of the
allocated memory set.
If *attr_val is NULL, then it allocates memory into attr_val (using
malloc) and copies the attribute into the allocated memory. On successful
operation, it sets the attribute length in attr_len.
If attr_val is NULL, then no object will be returned, but attr_len
will still be set to the size of the object.

I don't understand what BTNS_STANDALONE attribute would mean.
int ipsec_set_socket_policy(int fd, const ipsec_policy_t *policy);
int ipsec_get_socket_policy(int fd, ipsec_policy_t **policy);

const ipsec_iToken_t ipsec_iToken_from_pToken(ipsec_pToken_t p);
int ipsec_pToken_for_socket(int fd, ipsec_pToken_t *policy);

NOTE: this is really a wrapper around:
ipsec_pToken_attr_get(pToken, IPSEC_API_ATTR_ITOKEN, &iToken, sizeof(iToken));
2.1.5. Other Policy Related Functions
2.1.5. Equivalency of policies

int ipsec_cmp_policy(ipsec_policy_t *p1, ipsec_policy_t *p2);

Function ipsec_cmp_policy inputs two policies, p1 and p2, and returns
zero if they are equal. Otherwise it returns non-zero.

int ipsec_pToken_cmp(ipsec_pToken_t p1, ipsec_pToken_t p2);
int ipsec_iToken_cmp(ipsec_iToken_t p1, ipsec_iToken_t p2);

Function ipsec_cmp_policy inputs two policies, p1 and p2, and returns
zero if they represent two SAs that cover identical SPD ranges, and
have equivalent cryptographic security properties. The two SAs need not
represent SAs that identical --- they might vary in many different
ways, including, but not limited to:
- time. One SA may have been created later, but both are valid.
- jitter/performance properties. One SA may be on hardware and
the other on software, and have different properties
about what kind of latency or jitter a packet might
- algorithm. one SA might use AES128-CBC while the other uses
AES128-CTR (DISCUSS) for performance reasons.
- IPsec SA endpoints. The two SAs may cover the same inner
IP packets, but might connect using differing outer
IP addresses, and be used in some kind of multipath
IPsec (such as MOBIKE).

XXX -- belongs in abstract document.
are equal. Otherwise it returns non-zero.

MOVE ipsec_dup_policy to seperate section (2.1.6)
new section 2.1.7 ATTRIBUTES for iToken
enum {
} iToken_attribute;

enum {
} iToken_auth_meth;
typedef ipsec_channel_info_t struct ipsec_channel_info;

typedef struct ipsec_pToken * ipsec_pToken_t;

ipsec_channel_info_t *ipsec_create_channel_info();
int ipsec_free_channel_info(*ipsec_channel_info_t *ci);

ipsec_pToken_t ipsec_pToken_alloc(void);
int ipsec_pToken_free(ipsec_pToken_t p);

int ipsec_set_channel_attr(ipsec_channel_info_t *ci,
uint32_t attr_type,
uint32_t attr_len,
const void *attr_val);
int ipsec_get_channel_attr(const ipsec_channel_info_t *ci,
uint32_t attr_type,
uint32_t *attr_len,
void **attr_val);
int ipsec_pToken_attr_get(const ipsec_pToken_t pToken,
enum pToken_attribute,
size_t *attr_len, /* VALUE/RESULT */
void **attr_val);

int ipsec_pToken_attr_set(const ipsec_pToken_t pToken,
enum pToken_attribute attr_type,
size_t attr_len,
const void *attr_val);

(and indicate that **attr_val may be filled in, a la iToken)
int ipsec_set_socket_policy(int fd, const ipsec_policy_t *policy);
int ipsec_get_socket_policy(int fd, ipsec_policy_t **policy);

const ipsec_pToken_t ipsec_pToken_from_socket(int fd);
int ipsec_pToken_for_socket(int fd, ipsec_pToken_t *policy);

The function ipsec_pToken_from_socket() returns IPSEC_PTOKEN_INVALID
upon failure.

XXX need to have extended error reporting...
int ipsec_set_msg_channel_info(const struct *msg_hdr,
const ipsec_channel_info_t *ci);
int ipsec_get_msg_channel_info(const struct *msg_hdr,
ipsec_channel_info_t **ci);

pToken_t ipsec_pToken_from_cmsg(struct msghdr *msg);
int ipsec_pToken_for_cmsg(struct msghdr *msg);
2.2.5 same as 2.1.5...
enum {
} pToken_attribute;

- --
] Bear: "Me, I'm just the shape of a bear." | firewalls [
] Michael Richardson, Xelerance Corporation, Ottawa, ON |net architect[
] mcr at xelerance.com http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/mcr/ |device driver[
] panic("Just another Debian GNU/Linux using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [
Julien Laganier
2007-05-30 11:23:15 UTC

Michael has worked has worked on a revised abstract
API, available at:


While Miika has produced the corresponding C-bindings
of this abstract API, available at:


Hereby I'd like to call for WG adoption of both of
these documents. If you agree, or disagree with
adoption, please send an email saying so to the
mailing list without changing the subject line before
2007-05-25. (OTOH please do change the subject line if
you want to discuss contents of the documents

(If you have no time to read the documents, you might
take a look at their respective presentations given
during last meeting.)

-- julien / BTNS co-chair
Nicolas Williams
2007-05-31 17:07:30 UTC
Post by Julien Laganier
Hereby I'd like to call for WG adoption of both of
these documents. If you agree, or disagree with
adoption, please send an email saying so to the
mailing list without changing the subject line before
2007-05-25. (OTOH please do change the subject line if
you want to discuss contents of the documents
I am in favor of adopting both documents.
Julien Laganier
2007-05-31 08:41:48 UTC

Miika has worked on C-bindings for the abstract API
(draft-komu-btns-api-01). Hereby I'd like to call for
WG adoption of this document. If you agree, or
disagree with adoption, please send an email saying so
to the mailing list without changing the subject line
before 2007-06-14. (OTOH please do change the subject
line if you want to discuss contents of the documents

(If you have no time to read the documents, you might
take a look at their respective presentations given
during last meeting.)

-- julien / BTNS co-chair
Simon Josefsson
2007-05-31 15:52:07 UTC
I object to standardize any API that uses data types from a particular
external implementation (in this case OpenSSL).

The approach used in this document appear to require that every
implementation of the document needs to #include OpenSSL headers, and
possibly call OpenSSL functions (the implementation of the
ipsec_openssl_to_channel_info is unclear to me). I believe that is
clearly unacceptable for any Standards Track document.

If this problem can be solved, by having a generic interface to input
the necessary information needed from the TLS library, the document
seems like a useful contribution to me.

A suggestion for an improvement to the document would be to add a
copyright license to the example code to make it possible to use the
example in implementations. This often helps spread usage and leads to
faster adoption of the API. See section 3 of

Post by Julien Laganier
Miika has worked on C-bindings for the abstract API
(draft-komu-btns-api-01). Hereby I'd like to call for
WG adoption of this document. If you agree, or
disagree with adoption, please send an email saying so
to the mailing list without changing the subject line
before 2007-06-14. (OTOH please do change the subject
line if you want to discuss contents of the documents
(If you have no time to read the documents, you might
take a look at their respective presentations given
during last meeting.)
-- julien / BTNS co-chair
Miika Komu
2007-06-01 19:33:35 UTC
On Thu, 31 May 2007, Simon Josefsson wrote:


no worries, I got already feedback that the OpenSSL part should be removed
or abstracted. It was there mostly to clarify things to myself.

Thanks for the notice on the copyright.
Post by Simon Josefsson
I object to standardize any API that uses data types from a particular
external implementation (in this case OpenSSL).
The approach used in this document appear to require that every
implementation of the document needs to #include OpenSSL headers, and
possibly call OpenSSL functions (the implementation of the
ipsec_openssl_to_channel_info is unclear to me). I believe that is
clearly unacceptable for any Standards Track document.
If this problem can be solved, by having a generic interface to input
the necessary information needed from the TLS library, the document
seems like a useful contribution to me.
A suggestion for an improvement to the document would be to add a
copyright license to the example code to make it possible to use the
example in implementations. This often helps spread usage and leads to
faster adoption of the API. See section 3 of
Post by Julien Laganier
Miika has worked on C-bindings for the abstract API
(draft-komu-btns-api-01). Hereby I'd like to call for
WG adoption of this document. If you agree, or
disagree with adoption, please send an email saying so
to the mailing list without changing the subject line
before 2007-06-14. (OTOH please do change the subject
line if you want to discuss contents of the documents
(If you have no time to read the documents, you might
take a look at their respective presentations given
during last meeting.)
-- julien / BTNS co-chair
Miika Komu http://www.iki.fi/miika/
Nicolas Williams
2007-06-01 16:14:19 UTC
Post by Simon Josefsson
I object to standardize any API that uses data types from a particular
external implementation (in this case OpenSSL).
I agree that we must not have APIs that rely on non-standard APIs.
I.e., a C bindings of Michael's API that relies on BSDish sockets (or
Unix-like integer file descriptors for "sockets") is OK, but a C
bindings of Michael's API that relies on OpenSSL is not.
Post by Simon Josefsson
The approach used in this document appear to require that every
implementation of the document needs to #include OpenSSL headers, and
possibly call OpenSSL functions (the implementation of the
ipsec_openssl_to_channel_info is unclear to me). I believe that is
clearly unacceptable for any Standards Track document.
If this problem can be solved, by having a generic interface to input
the necessary information needed from the TLS library, the document
seems like a useful contribution to me.
I'm sure that this problem can be solved. In fact, I can't understand
why any dependence on any SSL/TLS library would be needed here. Miika's
API should use octet strings to deal with certificates (DER or PEM) and
raw public keys.
Post by Simon Josefsson
A suggestion for an improvement to the document would be to add a
copyright license to the example code to make it possible to use the
example in implementations. This often helps spread usage and leads to
faster adoption of the API. See section 3 of
I should read that I-D. Yes, it's important in an API document to make
sure that implementors have the right to: a) derive work from the API in
the document and distribute the result freely, b) derive documentation
from the RFC and distribute that freely.
Julien Laganier
2007-05-31 08:41:44 UTC

Michael has worked on a revised abstract API, available


Hereby I'd like to call for WG adoption of this
document. If you agree, or disagree with adoption,
please send an email saying so to the mailing list
without changing the subject line before 2007-06-14.
(OTOH please do change the subject line if you want to
discuss contents of the documents themselves.)

(If you have no time to read the documents, you might
take a look at their respective presentations given
during last meeting.)

-- julien / BTNS co-chair
Nicolas Williams
2007-05-31 17:06:52 UTC
Post by Julien Laganier
Hereby I'd like to call for WG adoption of this
document. If you agree, or disagree with adoption,
please send an email saying so to the mailing list
without changing the subject line before 2007-06-14.
I am in favor of adopting this document.
Julien Laganier
2007-06-01 14:35:38 UTC
[re-issuing question w/ different subject line since it
seems the previous one got us caught in a spam filter


Miika has worked on C-bindings for the abstract API
(draft-komu-btns-api-01). Hereby I'd like to call for
WG adoption of this document. If you agree, or
disagree with adoption, please send an email saying so
to the mailing list without changing the subject line
before 2007-06-15. (OTOH please do change the subject
line if you want to discuss contents of the documents

(If you have no time to read the documents, you might
take a look at their respective presentations given
during last meeting.)

-- julien / BTNS co-chair
Julien Laganier
2007-06-13 10:24:15 UTC

We have a consensus to adopt draft-komu-btns-api-00 as
WG item.

Miika, could you please submit it as a WG draft:


-- julien, BTNS co-chair
Post by Julien Laganier
[re-issuing question w/ different subject line since
it seems the previous one got us caught in a spam
filter rule]
Miika has worked on C-bindings for the abstract API
(draft-komu-btns-api-01). Hereby I'd like to call
for WG adoption of this document. If you agree, or
disagree with adoption, please send an email saying
so to the mailing list without changing the subject
line before 2007-06-15. (OTOH please do change the
subject line if you want to discuss contents of the
documents themselves.)
(If you have no time to read the documents, you
might take a look at their respective presentations
given during last meeting.)
-- julien / BTNS co-chair
Julien Laganier
2007-06-01 14:35:40 UTC
[re-issuing question w/ different subject line since it
seems the previous one got us caught in a spam filter


Michael has worked on a revised abstract API, available


Hereby I'd like to call for WG adoption of this
document. If you agree, or disagree with adoption,
please send an email saying so to the mailing list
without changing the subject line before 2007-06-15.
(OTOH please do change the subject line if you want to
discuss contents of the documents themselves.)

(If you have no time to read the documents, you might
take a look at their respective presentations given
during last meeting.)

-- julien / BTNS co-chair
Julien Laganier
2007-06-13 10:24:11 UTC

We have a consensus to adopt
draft-richardson-btns-abstract-api-00 as WG item.

Michael, could you please submit it as a WG draft:


-- julien, BTNS co-chair
Post by Julien Laganier
[re-issuing question w/ different subject line since
it seems the previous one got us caught in a spam
filter rule]
Michael has worked on a revised abstract API,
Hereby I'd like to call for WG adoption of this
document. If you agree, or disagree with adoption,
please send an email saying so to the mailing list
without changing the subject line before 2007-06-15.
(OTOH please do change the subject line if you want
to discuss contents of the documents themselves.)
(If you have no time to read the documents, you
might take a look at their respective presentations
given during last meeting.)
-- julien / BTNS co-chair
Julien Laganier
2007-06-01 15:12:34 UTC

since we had issues with the first question issued that
were caught into a spam filter, as well as answer to
them, I'd like to ask those of you who replied to the
question already to double check if their answer made
it to the list.

In case it didn't, please reply again, but to the
second questions (with no "call" in subject line)

Sorry for the annoyance.

-- julien / BTNS co-chair