[anonsec] [Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-btns-prob-and-applic-04.txt]
Yu-Shun Wang
2006-09-28 17:44:31 UTC

The new version (04) of BTNS P&AS is out. Quick links for


Summary of changes (04 vs. 03) below. These should address
all remaining issues, and we (the authors) think it's ready
for WGLC.

Please keep in mind that the goal is to describe the problems
and point to other docs for detailed solutions, especially
re: LoF, channel binding, and connection latching. It is not
the goal of this doc to specify or describe solutions in

Sections 3.3 & 4

(1) Reorganized BTNS modes: two tables, with and without CB
(2) Clarify there are three things:
- higher layer auth (sym or asym) - out of scope
- channel binding (must be sym or both ends)
- network layer auth (sym or asym BTNS)
(3) Re-organized Section 4 completely, and re-wrote
the CBB applicability statement, separated from

Section 5.7 - LoF

(*) The doc specifically does *NOT* specify whether
LoF means accepting unauth credentials or the subsequent
caching. Let's leave it at that. :-)
(1) Removed SSL from discussion
(2) Some clarification, added the table from slides

Section 5.8 - Connection Latching & Hijacking Stuff

(1) New text
(2) Describe the problem of possible connection hijacking
(3) Introduce the notion of connection latching & discuss
the issue re: inter-session credential caching
(4) Somewhat related to channel binding



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [anonsec] I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-btns-prob-and-applic-04.txt
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 15:50:01 -0400
From: Internet-Drafts at ietf.org
To: i-d-announce at ietf.org
CC: anonsec at postel.org

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
This draft is a work item of the Better-Than-Nothing Security Working
Group of the IETF.

Title : Problem and Applicability Statement for Better Than Nothing
Security (BTNS)
Author(s) : J. Touch, et al.
Filename : draft-ietf-btns-prob-and-applic-04.txt
Pages : 26
Date : 2006-9-27

The Internet network security protocol suite, IPsec, consisting of
IKE, ESP, and AH, generally requires authentication via IKE of
network layer entities to bootstrap security. This authentication can
be based on mechanisms such as pre-shared symmetric keys,
certificates and associated asymmetric keys, or the use of Kerberos.
The need to deploy authentication information and its associated
identities to network layer entities can be a significant obstacle to
use of network security. This document explains the rationale for
extending the Internet network security suite to enable use of IPsec
security mechanisms without full IKE authentication. These extensions
are intended to protect communication in a "better than nothing"
(BTNS) fashion. The extensions may be used on their own (Stand Alone
BTNS, or SAB), or may be useful in providing network layer security
that can be authenticated by higher layers in the protocol stack,
called Channel Bound BTNS (CBB). This document also explains
situations in which use of SAB and CBB extensions are appropriate.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

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