[anonsec] BTNS minutes from IETF67
Love Hörnquist Åstrand
2006-11-20 15:09:21 UTC

I published the minutes from BTNS meeting at IETF67 on the MMM site
about a week ago but forgot to mail it to the mailing list, so I mail
the minuts to the list for confirmation of the decisions made at the

The cut-off for corrections are the 27th December, so I would prefer
to get any
comments well before the holidays.


BTNS meeting notes

These are the minutes for the Better than nothing security (BTNS)
working group meeting, held at IETF-67 on Monday, Nov 6, 2006, in
San Diego. Thanks to Jeffrey Altman for taking notes on which these
minutes are based.

Chair: Love Hornquist Astrand <lha at it.su.se>

* Goals for the meeting

- Finish last items on PS/AS and WG-LC it
- Core documents are completed and chair will WG-LC them after
sending PS/AS to IESG
- Discuss the API document and decide direction, editors
- Update milestones

* Decisions made

- Last call PAS and core document after meeting

* Action items

- Revise the core documents, to be done soon after the meeting.

- New version of the API document, given WG input

* Current work


* Presentation: Discussion on Applicability and Problem statement

Joe touch made a short presentation on the resolved issues in
version -04 of the pas draft.

There are no outstanding issues on the draft and chair will
call a WG-LC after the IETF meeting is over.

* Presentation: IPsec APIs

Michael Richardson made a presentation for the absent Miika
Komu about IPsec APIs.

Miika proposal for an API design was using a new socket family
PF_SHIM, this was generanlly disliked by the room.

There was some talk about how to get more feedback from the
application implementors.

David Black was looking for a speration of roles between the
application and the api layer. So that the application can
pass down a opaque blob that security experts have banged out
all details on. Sam Hartman pointed out that he liked the
idea, but it should be an abstraction and not indirection. Ie
the blob should describe the whole policy and not just be
somelike the the string "iscsi-ipsec-policy".

Wayne Dickson talked about TCP vs SA synchronisation and was
pointed to the connection latching document.

Love will discuss the API draft with Miika Komu and how to get
it accepted by the WG.
