[anonsec] Seeking Second co-chair for BTNS working Group
Sam Hartman
2006-11-21 19:10:32 UTC
Hi, folks. Love H?rnqvist?strand and I are searching for a
second chair for the Better than Nothing Security group. Love is
doing a fine job, but has asked for some help. Also, it is generally
best if working groups have two chairs.

I'd like to ask people to volunteer to be considered as BTNS co-chair.
Please send a note expressing your interest and discussing
qualifications to Russ and I by December 7, 2006. I will be
discussing details of applicants with Love and Russ.

Chairs should have the following qualifications:

* Familiarity and experience with the IETF process either as an author
or chair.

* Interest in the BTNS working group's work areas.

* Familiarity with IPsec.

* Willingness to dedicate at least 3 hours a week to the working


